Combat Frequently you will have to do combat with enemies of various types. Sometimes you will have allies to aid you in your fight. Sometimes you will be able to avoid battle if you wish to do so. In these cases you will be asked it you wish to engage in battle. If you do, every PC in your party will move and attack before any of the enemies. Of course from time to time, you will be surprised and the entire enemy force will move before any member of your party. Combat Map Combat takes place on a tactical scale that allows you to control each PC individually. The combat screen is similar to the adventure screen in that it shows the status of your party members in the upper right of the screen. However, in combat only one PC or monster may take action at any one time. The order of combat is determined at the beginning of the battle. When it is a PC's turn, the screen will center on that PC and display vital information in the combat information block. The combat information block (CIB) is in the lower left of the screen. Using weapons Using most weapons in battle is automatic. To attack an enemy, you simply attempt to move onto them. Missile weapons such as bows, throwing stars, darts etc... are different. These weapons require you to target an enemy. To select a target click the weapon (No. 2 below) on the Combat Control Panel. This will allow you to select a targets in the same way as spell casting. Combat Information Block & Combat Control Panel   Note: One button does not appear in the diagram above. It is a small button between the 2 and 6. It has a small sword and bow on it. This button will allow a character to toggle between a missile weapon and a melee weapon provided they have both equipped. 1) PC or Monster icon. (Click to display information sheet) 2) Weapon wielded. (If your weapon is capable of casting a spell or is a missile weapon, this button will be raised) 3) Current Stamina. 4) Movement Points Remaining. 5) Spell Points Remaining. 6) Attack Type. (Click to display a monsters attacks and damage). 7) Weapons Charge (If Applicable) 8) Condition of PC or Monster. 9) PC or Monster's Armor Category 10) Click to show conditions affecting current PC. ⌥ Indicates permanent condition. ◊ Indicates temporary condition. 11) Click to show items possessed by PC or Monster. ⇧ Indicates item is equipped.   Many of the options during combat are displayed in the block of small buttons with words in the. You may perform the stated action by clicking on the button or by pressing the key corresponding to the first letter of the command. Note: No. 11 above displays a popup menu. You may wear or remove items by selecting them in the popup menu, thus avoiding having to go to the items screen. This holds true whenever you see a popup menu of items possessed by a PC. You may also hold the command key (⌘) as well to display the items possessed by all the PCs in your party. You may not wear or remove items if all the PCs are displayed however. Combat Control Panel (CCP) During combat the CCP will be displayed in the lower right hand of the screen. The CCP will allow the PC to do various things during combat. 12) The AUTO button turns control of the PC over to the computer FOR THAT ROUND ONLY. PCs on AUTO will not cast spells but will use missile and melee weapons as is appropriate for attack. (NOTE: PCs under auto control tend to be pretty dumb when it comes to strategy.) 13) The ITEMS button will bring up the items screen. You may ready or remove items or USE some items such as wands or other magic items. You may also equip or remove items from within the popup menu that appears when you select the ITEMS button. 14) The SPELL button will allow the PC to cast a spell. 15) The SCROLL button will allow the PC to use a scroll from their scroll case. 16) The number of enemies left to defeat. 17) The Turn button allows clerics and paladins to attempt to turn undead. This button will only appear if the PC has the ability to turn undead. 18) The icon of the PC or Monster that is being acted upon is displayed here. By clicking Next or Previous or 'N' or 'P' on the keyboard you may scan forward or back through the order of combat. The CIB of that individual will be displayed.   Note: By holding down the command key (⌘) and moving the cursor around the combat map, you may see the CIB of whoever or whatever is under the cursor. Very Handy!!! In addition the cursor will change to a shield if that PC or monster is currently guarding against attacks. In the lower right message field the range to the target and whether that target is blocked from your line of sight is displayed. The Center button or 'C' on the keyboard will center the combat map on the current PC. The Finish button or 'F' on the keyboard will end a PC's turn for that combat round. (NOTE: The PC will not guard against attacks.) The Guard button or 'G' on the keyboard will end a PC's turn for that combat round and cause him to guard against attacks. The first hostile that approaches the guarding PC will be first attacked by that PC before they can attack the PC. The Delay button or 'D' on the keyboard will delay that PC's turn to the end of the combat order. That PC will remain in his new position in the combat order for following rounds. The Shift button or 'S' on the keyboard centers the map on the cursor. This is a convenient way of looking around the combat map. The Bandage button or 'B' on the keyboard will allow the current PC to bandage another PC. This will stop the wounded PC from bleeding to death. It takes a FULL round to bandage a PC. You cannot be involved in ANY combat prior to bandaging a PC that round. The Reveal Friends button or 'R' on the keyboard will reveal who is hostile and who is friendly towards the party. The Escape button or 'E' on the keyboard will allow your PC to break away from combat. Your PC must be at least 10 paces away from the nearest enemy and cannot be affected by Slow, Tangle, Confusion or Helpless. PCs that escape from combat will not be awarded any experience at the end of combat. (Cowards!) The Undo button or 'U' on the keyboard will allow you to revert your PC's position to the beginning of that combat round. Your PC must not have been involved in any combat attacks, either offensive or defensive. For example, if your PC moves away from an enemy who then takes a swing at your PC's back, that PC cannot UNDO their movements. Attack Forms There are three forms of attack: Melee Combat, Missile Fire and Spell Casting. Melee Combat: consists of using physical attacks such as biting and clawing or weapons such as swords and maces at close quarters with an enemy. To use a melee weapon in combat you must be adjacent to the enemy you wish to attack. To attack simply attempt to move onto the foe you wish to attack. The result of your attack will flash in the lower right of the screen. Missile Fire: consists of attacks using bows, slings, darts and hurled objects such as rocks and boulders. Targeting is handled identical to spell casting which is described in detail below. Some missile weapons require some distance to use. Items such as bows and throwing stars can only be used when there are no enemies adjacent to the user. Spell casting: Spell casting consists of three phases. A PC selects a spell to cast, selects targets, then actually casts the spell. Only PCs capable of casting magic and who have not taken damage in the current combat round can cast spells. In addition, some spells cast on the PC may prevent them from casting spells. Example - A PC suffering from the effects of a dumb struck spell or sleep spell is not capable of casting even though they may not have taken damage in the current round. To cast a spell, click on the spell cast button. This will display the spell cast window. After you have selected a spell to cast you must target the recipient. The only exception to this is if the spell automatically affects specific targets. During target selection, the targeting control panel will be displayed instead of the combat control panel. 1) Name of the spell being cast.  2) Current and maximum range of the spell. 3) Spell icon. 4) Power level of the spell being cast. 5) Displays the area of effect for the spell being cast. A shield symbol means that spot is not in the area of effect. 6) This area has buttons you can click to perform actions. You can also hit the first letter (Dispalyed in yellow) on the keyboard. i.e. You can target spell by hitting the " T " key on the keyboard. 7) Decrease (left arrow) or increase (right arrow) power level of spell. If the spell being cast can only be targeted on those the caster is capable of seeing, then a small eye will appear where the number 5 appears above.   To move the screen around so you may see enemies that are far away simply click the mouse button to center the screen on the cursor. You may move around the screen very quickly using this method. " T "arget - Hitting the " T " key selects targets for spells or missile weapons. If the cursor is over a current target this will remove the target. Abort - will cause the spell to be canceled. Space - will cause the spell to be cast. If you wish to cast the spell before targeting the maximum number allowed, this will cause the spell to be launched immediately. Next - Prev - Center - work in an identical fashion as in the combat control panel described above. Clicking on any PC or Monster while holding the command key down will display their combat information block. Turning Undead In addition to melee, missile and spell combat, there is a special event that can be performed by Clerics and Paladins. (Paladins do not gain this ability until the 4th level of experience). It is known as TURNING UNDEAD. If there are undead involved in combat, Clerics and Paladins can attempt to turn them. If they succeed in turning an undead creature, it will join the Cleric's or Paladin's side in combat. Each Cleric or Paladin can attempt to turn undead only once per combat. If the current PC is capable of turning undead, a button will appear in the combat control panel (pictured as No. 17 in the CCP above). By clicking on this button, the Cleric or Paladin will attempt to turn the undead. There are three possible results from attempting to turn undead: 1) the Undead will be unaffected, 2) the undead will be destroyed, or 3) the undead will be turned, and will fight on the side of the Cleric or Paladin. Successful turning is based on a comparison of the PC's level VS. the level of the undead. See the chart "ODDS OF TURNING UNDEAD" in the appendix for a more detailed description of the chance for success. Running Away If a PC wishes to flee from battle, they may do so by reaching the edge of the combat map. Any PC that flees from battle, or is unconscious or killed at the conclusion of battle, will receive NO experience for that battle. If an enemy flees from battle, the party WILL receive full experience for that enemy as if they had defeated it in battle. If all PCs become unconscious or are killed in battle, you have failed and the adventure will end. Sometimes the edge of the battle map cannot be reached due to mountains or walls. In this case, you will not be able to flee from battle in that direction. Attacking a friendly PC or monster To attack a friendly PC or monster move into them as in a normal attack. You will be asked if you wish to attack your friend or not. Experiance Gained By Defeating Enemies To determin the experience value of an enemy you kill, destroy, slaughter or blow to pieces in general: Value of monster = Base Value + (Per Stamina x Actual Stamina Of Enemy) + (Exceptional Bonuses) Monster Base Per Level Value Stamina Exceptional Bonus -------------------------------------------------- 0 15 3 100 1 30 6 200 2 45 9 300 3 60 12 400 4 75 15 500 5 90 18 600 6 150 21 700 7 225 24 800 8 375 27 900 9 600 30 1,000 10 900 33 1,200 11 1300 36 1,400 12 1800 39 1,500 13 2300 42 1,800 14 2800 45 2,000 15 3200 50 2,400 16 3700 55 2,800 17 4200 60 3,200 18 4700 65 3,600 19 5200 70 4,000 20 5700 75 4,400 Over 20 6200 80 4,800 Exceptional Bonuses For Monsters: Special Attacks: Drain experience, Paralyze, Poison, Heat Damage, Cold Damage, Electric Damage, Chemical Damage, Mental Damage, Curse, Cause Fear, Entangle, Confuse, Drain Spell Points or Charm. Any Perminent Condition (1/2 Exceptional Bonus Each): Regeneration, Protection From 1st Level Spells, Bless etc.... Capable Of Using Missile Weapons + 100 Exp Magic Resistance Greater Than 15% + Exceptional Magic Resistance Greater Than 35% + 2 x Exceptional Capable Of Casting Magic + 500 Exp Armor Catagory Less Than 0 + 500 Exp More Than 3 Attacks/Round + 500 Exp Magical Weapon To Hit + 500 x Needed Plus Bonus To Hit Enemy/Damage + 350 x Bonus A couple of examples: A 6th level master thief with 46 stamina, 5% magic resistance, armed with throwing daggers and has a 0 plus to hit/damage: Base for 6th level monster = 150 Base per stamina = 21 Therefore 21 x 46 = 966 Capable of missle Weapons = + 100 Total Exp = 150 + 966 + 100 = 1216 exp A 9th level demon with 74 stamina, 20% magic resistance, regenerates 3 stamina/round, pPerminantly protected against 1st level spells, mental attacks and absorbs energy, can cast magic and has 4 attacks/round, requires +2 weapon or better to hit and has a +4 to hit and to damage on attacks: (Tough guy!) Base for 9th level monster = 600 Base per stamina = 30 Therefore 30 x 74 = 2220 Capable of casting magic + 500 exp Perminent conditions = 0.5 x exceptional x 3 conditions = 1500 4 attacks/round = 500 exp Magical To Hit = 2 x 500 = 1000 To hit/damage bonus = 4 x 350 = 1400 20% Magic resistance = 500 Total Exp = 600 + 2220 + 500 + 1500 + 500 + 1000 + 1400 + 500 = 8220 exp